Site Documentation

Adding Tour Dates
  1. Log into
  2. Locate the Tour Dates menu on the left side of the page.
  3. Click Add New
  4. Give the Tour Date a title. This title won’t appear on the website, it’s just for organization purposes.
  5. Fill in all of the information in the Custom Field Template box.
  6. If you’d like your tour date to disappear automatically once it’s passed, locate the Post Expirator box on the right side of the page.
  7. Click the checkbox to enable the Post Expirator, then fill in the time and date you’d like your tour date to disappear. 00:01 of the following day is an easy way to do it.
  8. Click Publish and you’re done!
Rearranging Tour Dates

By default tour dates appear in ascending order, here’s what to do if you need to re-order them.

  1. Log into
  2. Locate and click on the Tour Dates menu on the left side of the page.
  3. This will bring up a list of your current tour dates.
  4. Hover your cursor over a tour date, it should turn into a 4-point arrow.
  5. Click and drag the date to its new position.
  6. Your changes are saved automatically!
Updating Your Podcast Descriptions

In case you ever want to change the descriptions for Sklarbro Country and DumbPeopleTown.

  1. Log into
  2. Locate and click on the Pages menu on the left side of the page.
  3. A list of all of the site’s pages will come up.
  4. Locate and click on either DumbPeopleTown Blurb or Sklarbro Country Blurb.
  5. Edit your descriptions.
  6. Hit Update and you’re done!
Updating the About Section
  1. Log into
  2. Locate and click on the Pages menu on the left side of the page.
  3. A list of all of the site’s pages will come up.
  4. Locate and click on About the Sklar Brothers.
  5. Edit your description.
  6. Hit Update and you’re done!
Updating the Bookings Section
  1. Log into
  2. Locate and click on the Pages menu on the left side of the page.
  3. A list of all of the site’s pages will come up.
  4. Locate and click on Bookings.
  5. This page includes code! To make sure you don’t accidentally delete/overwrite it click on the Text tab on the top-right of the description box. This will give you a code-view of the page. Don’t edit anything between brackets < like this >.
  6. Edit your info.
  7. Hit Update and you’re done!

If all else fails you can always e-mail me!